Believe it or not, we sell quite a bit of our work through various professional photo stock agencies around the country (mainly istock). While most of these images are landscapes, macro work, and products for advertising, we do have a few of our favorite wedding images listed along with our other works (nothing that shows any faces or invades privacy of the individual!)
I received an email today from a large Jeweler in Tennessee (American Jeweler) that purchased one of our favorite images from the Allard wedding last October, and is using it in a new major ad campaign and billboard, which I thought was really an honor not only to myself but to the bride (Kristin)! This has quickly become one of my favorite wedding images, (in fact it's the one we also used for our phone book ad this year), and it's really exciting to see it put to good use in a creative way. Congrats, Kristin! By the way, you can see the ad up close by clicking on the image if you want.
As for the blog, I'm a bit behind on my updates this week, as I've had so much going on. We have been swamped with client meetings for the upcoming year, and I am attempting to install a new door and hardwood floors throughout our living room (I'm the kind of guy that usually pays people to do things like that, so this is a bit of a challenge for me not to screw it up :) I'll be sure to take a before and after photo so you can rate how I do!
Have a great weekend!
Friday, March 30, 2007
Tennessee Jeweler Ad.....
Posted by
Matt Ramos
3:03 PM
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