I've had a lot of fun teaming up with Jason & RE/MAX this year, and more and more of Jason's clients are starting to take advantage of the fact that he is offering them free photography of their homes to help them sell better and faster! As a second time home owner and someone that is fairly uneducated when it comes to the real estate market, I always find it interesting to see how different owners prep their homes to get them ready to sell....... it's sort of like watching some TLC show (Curb Appeal/House Flippers, etc), except seeing the real thing and watching the houses sell. I've learned a lot to say the least, and it almost makes me want to throw our house on the market...... a few more years maybe :)
P.S. I wanted to also thank all the people that sent us really nice emails about my previous post with Dexter. He's spending his 4th day today at the animal hospital as they continue to hook him up to an IV and do further tests to correct whatever is going on with him. It's so stressful not knowing whether to prepare for the worst, or just trust that he'll come through this, but we really appreciate the support from all our good friends..... and folks that read the blog - It means a lot, "Thank You!"
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