Friday, February 01, 2008


After months of anticipation, it was awesome to finally have LOST come back for the new season tonight. It's seriously one of the most amazing shows I have ever seen, and it's stressful (in a good way) yet so much fun to try and piece it all together of what you think is happening or might be going to happen. Just when you think you've got things figured out, they throw a whole new twist at you that completely puts you back to square one again.

Tonya and I will now be glued to the TV each week to watch our favorite show. For those of you that don't watch the show, or think they are too "lost" to get into the show, I think now is a great time to jump in.

Any other Lost fans out there?

P.S. It's been a horrible couple of days for me.... I have a swolen uvula (that pendulum thing in the back of your throat), which has caused it to severely extend in length and now sits in my throat, causing a choking-like sensation. It's like having something stuck in the back of your throat, but no matter how many times you cough or clear your throat it just won't go away. It's by far the worst thing I've ever experienced, and pretty scary I might add. I spent the day at the dr's today getting x-rays, etc and am on strong meds to hopefully bring things back to normal. I hope no one ever has to get this - grrr!!!

Matt Ramos Photography

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yeah, I'm addicted to Lost as well. It seems like they end each show with more loose threads than they tie up... but you have to love it anyway.