Saturday, December 01, 2007

Future Ladies Man!

Today was an extremely busy, yet awesome day! Two fun shoots this morning, met one of our 2008 wedding couples for the first time, bought my first snow blower (whoo hooo), and went to my first auction out in the middle of nowhere (and was too shy to bid on anything by the way since I had no idea what I was doing).

Since we're on a nice break from the wedding season, we've been doing tons of portrait sessions lately, and really enjoy being able to shoot fun stuff without the pressure of 200 people watching my every move like at a wedding. One of the shoots today was that of good friends, Pat, Nancy, and the future ladies man himself, little Luciano. Working with babies and young kids is extremely challening. Luckily for me, Luciano is like a 15 year old boy trapped in a 3 month old's body when it comes to smiling on que when I need him to! I've worked with a lot of kids, and can't say I've seen many that laugh and smile as much as Lucci - such a cute kid!

Anyway, here's a few shots from the day I thought I'd post - again.... there's still plenty of time to get in your portrait session with us and prints will be delivered in time for the holidays!

P.S. Our print sale ends in about 15 minutes, but wanted to thank everyone for their orders.... we've been processing out about 10-12 orders a day since we started the sale, and will continue to crank through the rest on Monday for those that just placed orders - I'm glad so many were able to take advantage of the sale - thanks again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very Cute.
I like the last one the best.
AMAZING Job as always.