Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Wii is amazing!

I can't remember the last time I've had a free weekend over the last several months to be able to actually enjoy it and relax. This weekend has been awesome, and since we purposely decided to not schedule anything so that we could enjoy it, we decided to go out and get one of our Christmas presents early, by getting the new Nintendo Wii! It's been years since I've played a Nintendo game, and the Wii completely re-defines gaming with it's interactive & realistic, wireless controllers and games. (Bowling, Baseball, Golf, Boxing, etc are insane, and a real workout believe it or not to play) You'd think I was advertising for Nintendo, but it's seriously one of those things that even adults will go nuts over...... they are pretty hard to find right now, but I highly recommend it for an awesome Xmas present (or other) if you can find one.

By the way, in case some of you have no idea what I'm talking about, you can watch the video below to see how cool it is - Ok, back to my game, more later! :)

I also found this new story on how people are actually getting workouts on their wii's.... pretty cool if you ask mii!


Anonymous said...

We LOVE our Wii. It's such a blast. You have to get Mario Party 8, if you haven't already. It is a video board game, and a lot of fun!

I'm sure Tom will also have some comments on your new toy!

Anonymous said...


I love the new homepage. Very pretty!