Friday, June 22, 2007

My New Crackberry!

Since the release of the Blackberry smartphone a couple years ago, I have been absolutely addicted to them, and find myself constantly upgrading to the latest and greatest model (I think my wife is about to kill me). I picked up my now 5th Blackberry this week (the 8803 World Edition), and absolutely love it! I've never been known to be an organized guy and always prefered to sorta go with the flow, rather than have everything planned out..... with business being absolutely insane right now, I couldn't possibly keep track of all the places I need to be and things going on, so having my entire schedule, phone & email in my pocket at all times really helps me to stay super organized!

For whatever the reason, website hits and client emails & calls have sky-rocketed this week and 2008 weddings are beginning to book up quickly - while I'm not sure what caused this, you can see the sudden spike in website hits (not even including the blog) by clicking the photo's amazing how excited I used to get over getting 10 people to visit the website on a good day, and now we are getting well over 100 hits per day, which is amazing for a photography website in my opninion. Anyway, if you know someone getting married, you may want to have them get in touch with us sooner than later.... here is a link to our current calendar/schedule so you can see how crazy this year is going to be!

1 comment:

louistorres said...

Aren't Blackberry's the BEST...! Congrats on the phone...!