As I was going back through some images today, I found this one and for some reason didn't include it in my earlier post - definitely one of my fav's so though I would throw it up!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Another of Janelle & Kevin
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Matt Ramos
11:18 PM
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Sunday, June 29, 2008
Engagements w/ Kevin & Janelle.......
I'm going to have to start holding photos for ransom in exchange for blog comments a little more often I think - who knew that would work!
After all my whining about the heat and rain the day before, I decided to go back out in it today..... but for a good cause! We'll be shooting the wedding of Janelle & Kevin this August, and today was a great opportunity for us to get a little practice by shooting some engagement photos. It seems like everything I've done lately has been at the same park in Schenectady (not that it's not a nice place to shoot), but we decided to try a brand new place to shoot today (which I was a bit nervous about since I didn't have my normal "no-brainer" shots lined up), but am so glad we did..... I now have a new sweet spot and Kevin & Janelle got to be the pioneers of the new location :)
As photogenic as this couple is, it's pretty difficult to take a bad photo of them..... if they look this good in the park, I can only imagine how nice they'll clean up on their wedding day! Here are a few samples from our session together..... careful, one or two of them might be rated R.
P.S. Stay tuned for the all-new blog which I'm pretty excited to release hopefully this week!
Posted by
Matt Ramos
10:39 PM
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Kevin & Janelle E-Session Teaser - Wow!
A quick teaser from our session with Janelle & Kevin today at our new top secret shooting location! Maybe if someone leaves a comment below, I'll post some more samples? :)
P.S. Is this shot ridiculous or what - wow!
Posted by
Matt Ramos
6:35 PM
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Congratulations, Nicole & Damian!!
Whether it was a limo showing up an hour late, dirt on the dress, a delayed ceremony, pouring rain, blistering heat, or whatever else could possibly been thrown their way..... nothing could stop Nicole & Damian from an amazing wedding that they've waited so long to have! I often find it intersting how different people handle different situations, challenges and stress if different ways..... I was absolutely amazed at how calm and collective Nicole & Damian were able to remain on a day that definitely brought some challenges our way - a true testament to what great and special kind of people they are.
It was an honor for Jamaica and I to photograph this wedding, and despite a bit of a crazy day, had an absolute blast. When we left the church, it was raining out, but we decided to go for it, by going to our outdoor shooting location anyway. As we got there, the rain stopped (only for 20 minutes, which is probably the fastest I have ever shot with an entire bridal party and the bride and groom themselves). As we finished and got back into the car to head to the reception, it downpoured as if we were in a hurricane...... talk about amazing luck and timing!
A huge thanks to Nicole, Damian, and their family and friends for allowing us to hang out and document their special day. We have hundreds of amazing photos that I can't wait to share. For those interested, you may pre-register your email at the link below to receive automatic notification of when images go live (usually 3-4 weeks). I leave you with a few samples from the day below:
Posted by
Matt Ramos
10:07 AM
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Saturday, June 28, 2008
Nicole & Damian Teaser....
Wow - what a sticky, hot & overall exhausting day - I feel like I just got hit by a train! I'm off to bed, but wanted to post a quick "teaser" image from today's wedding with Nicole & Damian. Check back tomorrow for a full blog entry with more samples and a link to the online event!
Posted by
Matt Ramos
9:50 PM
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Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Albany Troy Cataract & Lazer Associates Shoot.....
This morning, we headed over to the Albany Troy Cataract & Laser Associates building to do some shooting for their new website and marketing brochures. As I've said before, I don't get to break away from the wedding scene enough (especially during the busy season), so it's always a treat to get to shoot something a bit out of the norm.
On a side note, I find the whole idea of eye surgery fascinating (and a bit scary) and am glad that even in my thirties, I still have better than 20/20 vision - I can't imagine doing what I do without use of my eyes or great vision without glasses (not that there is anything wrong with glasses, it would just be a bit more challening for me to work that way I think). Tonya had some of the worst vision out there and had PRK eye surgery last year - she can now see perfectly, and no longer wears glasses or contacts for anything - it's truly amazing to think that technology has given dr's the ability to perform such a miracle on a person's vision like that - very cool stuff.
Anyway, here are a few quick samples from the day that will be going into the brochures and website. I'm sort of on vacation this week as I have family in town, but will have samples from this weekends' upcoming wedding probably on Sunday - be sure to check back for details!
A quick shot showing a couple of the dr's having fun at work!
Posted by
Matt Ramos
10:57 PM
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New Regal Cinemas Ad Completed - Woot!
For the past month or so, we've been working on a few new ads that will begin airing on July 11th in the new Colonie Regal Cinemas as well as the Saratoga Wilton Mall Regal Cinemas, which I'm very excited about. The ad itself is animated ad has a professional voiceover, however here is a quick sample of basically what it will look like on the big screen (looks a lot like our blog header, I know :)
There will be multiple upcoming vendors in the spotlite with us over the next year (we have a few different ads that will show), however we are currently featuring Details Wedding Planning and Kimberly's A Day Spa for the first round - I may just have to go see a movie now in July!
P.S. Congrats to those couple that will have their wedding images shown off to thousands of people - you"ve just earned some bragging rights I think!
Posted by
Matt Ramos
8:42 AM
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Sunday, June 22, 2008
E-Session w/ Heather & John.....
After a fun night out with Victoria & Blake, we headed back out in the field with Heather & John at one of our favorite local parks! John loves having his photo taken, and wanted to shoot all day if we could (only kidding, but he did a grea job! :) On a serious note, Heather & John are a great couple and we really look forward to documenting their wedding this October at the beautiful River Stone Manor in Scotia - today was a fun chance to get out with them and hang out before the big day - here are a couple of quick samples for ya!
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Matt Ramos
10:33 PM
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Congratulations, Victoria & Blake!!
Yesterday we had the opportunity to celebrate and document the amazing wedding of Victoria and Blake! The wedding was held at the beautiful Albany Country Club, and you couldn't have asked for a nicer day or better clouds to work with, I might add. We had so much fun shooting engagements with the bride and groom just a few months ago, so it was great to be able to work with them again (plus they are both so ridiculously photogenic, I could make them look amazing with a disposable camera :)
We are excited to share the images from the day, and for those interested, you can pre-register your email at the link below to receive automatic notification of when images go live!
Again, a huge congrats to Victoria & Blake - have a blast on your honeymoon! I leave you with a few quick samples from their big day.....
Posted by
Matt Ramos
12:20 PM
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Quick Teaser - Victoria & Blake Wedding (Albany Country Club)...
We just got home from the Victoria & Blake wedding, and thought I would post a quick "teaser" image from tonight's wedding before bed. Check back tomorrow for a full blog entry with more samples and a link to the online event! Is this sky insane or what!?
Posted by
Matt Ramos
1:28 AM
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Monday, June 16, 2008
Joseph Carr Wine...
As I've mentioned before, it's sometimes fun to break away from the wedding scene to work on other photography projects (not to mention that are lower stressed :) This week we are working on a project with Alex from Mehigan, Bellone & Associates, Inc. for Joseph Carr, who is one of the top wine producers from the Napa Valley. We'll be shooting some of their latest wines (that are not even released yet) for upcoming marketing and website material. Alex & his team are completely redesigning Mr. Carr's website, so anything you see will be soon replaced with the new improved design! Here are a couple quick samples below we shot for their portfolio (top shot is from their old website). There is a possibility that I will be flying out to Napa Valley in the Fall for a few days to shoot with Mr. Carr at his vinyard, which would certainly be a very exciting project to be a part of - I'll keep ya posted! Next time you are in the wine store, see if you can find a bottle and try it out :)
Hmmm..... I'm suddenly in the mood to drink!
Posted by
Matt Ramos
11:24 AM
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Sunday, June 15, 2008
Engagements w/ Matt & Lauren......
Only 1 wedding this weekend, but quickly headed back out in the field for a fun e-session with Matt & Lauren today, who were in town from Boston for the weekend! We'll be shooting Lauren & Matt's wedding in August, so today was fun getting to hang out and get to know them both a bit more before the wedding - definitely a great couple and really look forward to this wedding with them. We were shooting in some challening lighting conditions today, but still think we got some great shots - here are a few I thought I would share!
P.S. Thanks for a fun shoot guys - have a safe trip back home and good luck to your Celtics tonight (not that I thinkt they need it!)
Haha - this one's priceless - Matt's definitely a character and makes some pretty funny expressions when he's playing around! Shots like this foreshadow to a fun wedding!
Posted by
Matt Ramos
6:12 PM
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