Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Selling Your Home Just Got Easier!

Met with Jason Ordon today from Re/Max to discuss some new ideas and a campaign he is now initiating for his clients selling their homes. It's amazing when looking through real estate sites how many poor quality and poor angled photos you see from owners hoping to sell for top dollars! When we bought our new house, I was amazed at some of the high end homes for sale with photos that looked like they were taken with a disposable camera :)

Anyway, Jason is going the extra mile in a new promotion, by offering his clients free professional photgraphy of their home, (covered by yours truly :) which will not only attract more potential buyers, but help sellers to sell faster and for higher profits. As they say, "a photo's worth a thousand words!" Considering what we are charging Jason to do these interior/exterior full home shoots, this is a fantastic offer, that no other realtor is offering!

So..... here's the plug of course - If you are looking to sell your home and want it done by someone who's not only professional & aggressive, but offers something no other realty company is doing.... check him out on his website at

P.S. Man, what a great headshot! :)

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