Just a few wacky Wednesday updates and random updates that we are excited about (it doesn't take much to please me)..........
- After numerous conversations and thought after being contacted by dozens of photographers over the past year or so, we'd like to congratulate, announce & introduce Jessica Bruce, who will be joining our team this week as a full-time Assistant Photographer! Jessica has amazing talent, an incredible personality and work ethic and I am very excited to have her on our team (she bugged me over and over for a year on this, and I finally gave in - just kidding :) On a serious note, if anyone is interested in having a 3rd photographer (absolutely free) for their upcoming 2008 wedding, shoot me a note (I need to get her some experience in the field)!- This week we purhcased a few top of the line SanDisk Extreme Ducati Edition 8GB flash cards, which are supposed to be the best and fastest compact flash cards you can buy, with read/write speeds nearly double the speed of other compact flash cards - The extra speed will definitely come in handy this year for us, and what's nice is they all come with Rescue Pro software (not that I need it) that will automatically recover any lost image files - even months after the images have been deleted from the cards..... you can never go wrong with additional protection! (get your mind out of the gutter).
- While we have an insane lineup of top of the line professional lenses, my current favorite lens is without a doubt the Canon L 85mm f/1.2, which goes for close to $2K and gives you the ability to shoot insane images in extreme low light conditions and with superb quality and depth of field. I've heard great things about the sister lens, which is the 50mm version (still in a f/1.2), so placed an order for one today.... I have a feeling this will become my new favorite and can't wait to try it out on some shots this weekend!
- We are still accepting names/emails of anyone interested in doing a beginner SLR training class. This first session is more of a private (or small group) setting where we will be teaching many of the basics of how to use your new camera, what everything does, and explaning things in detail such as ISO, shutter speed, aperture, composition, tricks to using flash, etc..... we'll probably do a more advanced session down the road and possibly even a Photoshop session for those that need help learning the power of this amazing program. This is a great way to learn how to use your new camera and what you can do with it. If interested, please email John at john@mattramosphotography.com!
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