Just got home from the Alex & Kristina wedding (which was awesome by the way!) I'm up again tomorrow bright and early for a wedding out in Owego, NY with Mike & Lindsey, however will have a full blog entry on both weddings up by Sunday or Monday.
One of the first things we got asked at today's wedding is if Jamaica was going to do another lighting test..... We aim to please.... another successful testing! :)
Friday, May 30, 2008
Just Checking In....
Posted by
Matt Ramos
11:37 PM
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Thursday, May 29, 2008
Insane Dance Skills...
2 more fun weddings lined up for this weekend, starting tomorrow - be sure to check back for samples from both on Sunday or Monday. I leave you with an insane video that I just had to post...... this guy's amazing!! Anyone watch this show?
Posted by
Matt Ramos
8:47 PM
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Monday, May 26, 2008
Congratulations, Cate & Zach! (3 of 3)
After two fun days and celebrations with Joe & Monica, and Debby & Dave, we headed into our final day of the 3-in-a-row wedding marathon with Cate & Zach! I'm gonna be honest..... by the time I got to this point, I was just creatively, mentally & physically exhausted - I did my best to hide my exhaustion, and think we got some killer shots from this wedding despite how tired I was! Cate & Zach are another incredible couple that are very much in love and a lot of fun to hang out with - Cate's father is the nicest guy in the world (and a master gardener I might add), but looks just like the actor, John Voight (Angelina Jolie's father), which is a bit intimidating - I made sure to stay on his good side :)
Cate & Zach had a beautiful church full mass ceremony at St. Clements in Saratoga, followed by an incredible reception at the amazing Canfield Casino in Congress Park (I posted a an earlier shot of the reception hall 4 blog entrees down if you wish to see it). We were also pleased to work with the New York Players again, who rocked the house and showed everyone how to party. A huge thanks to Cate & Zach as well as their familes for allowing us to spend the day with them and document such a special day. For those that are interested, we'll have all the images available for online viewing & ordering within a few weeks - you can pre-register your email by clicking the link below to receive automatic notification:
Here are a few samples below from the day I thought I would share - after 3 exhausting days, I'm looking forward to not going anywhere near my camera. Stay tuned and check back for updates..... we have two upcoming weddings this weekend with two more of my favorite couples - check back for lots of samples and updates!
Posted by
Matt Ramos
4:31 PM
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Congratulations, Debby & David! (2 of 3)
Round two from this weekend was held at the beautiful Glen Sanders Mansion, with newlyweds, Debby & Dave. It was great to finally see the sun come out, which made for a very nice outdoor ceremony right on the water! I was sort of getting used to thinking up umbrella and rain shots - but I'll take it..... there's nothing like shooting an outdoor ceremony when you can.
Deb & Dave are a great couple and we had a lot of fun haning out with them and their bridal party - I'm keeping my mouth shut, but there were definitely a few good laughs from the day that we'll always remember (the guys know what I'm talking about, lol). We'd like to thank Debby & David as well as their familes for allowing us to take part in documenting their big day. For those that are interested, you can pre-register your email to receive automatic notification of when images go live... simply click the link below to do so. I leave you with a few quick samples from the day below........
Posted by
Matt Ramos
9:56 AM
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Congratulations, Joe & Monica! (1 of 3)
Another 3:30am session for me as I can't sleep (oh, the joys of being ADHD)..... I figured it's as good a time as ever to bang out on of my 3 blog entrees I need to do from this weekends weddings! Believe it or not, we had a Thursday wedding this week (don't see them too often) with Joe & Monica, who were married in their St. Rose Chapel, followed by a beautiful reception at the Franklin Plaza. Joe and Monica are high school sweethearts, who have been together for a long time, so this wedding was very special as they finally tied the knot together :)
For those that attended this wedding, we'll have all the images from the day/night online for viewing & ordering within about 3 weeks, and you may pre-register your email by simply clicking the link below - you will receive an automatic notification once images go live!
A big thanks to Monica & Joe and their families for allowing us to take part in this event - enjoy the honeymoon, guys! Here are a few quick samples from their day below......
P.S. Who do you think won the cake slam contest? (I think I'm going with Monica on this one) Stay tuned for 2 more entrees tomorrow from the Debby & Dave and Cate & Zach weddings - off to bed!
Posted by
Matt Ramos
3:28 AM
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Saturday, May 24, 2008
Whew - I made it!
Wow.... what an insane weekend! We just finished shooting the wedding of Cate & Zach, and I'm so exhausted I can't even think straight right now - shooting 3 full day weddings in a row is defintely an easy way to kill myself, but somehow I made it! It feels so good to be home and have a couple days to do absolutely nothing (well sorta). As I mentioned in my previous posts, I will be doing complete blog entrees for all 3 weddings from this weekend as soon as I get the energy to do so (probably a day or two on all 3) - Tonight, I had the pleasure of working at one of my favorite places - the beautiful, Canfield Casino in Saratoga Springs..... I'm off to get some sleep, but here's a quick shot from tonight's wedding....... is this reception room ridiculous or what!? How long do you think it took them to build this ceiling?
Check back later for updates and lots of photos! :)
Posted by
Matt Ramos
10:51 PM
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Quick Teaser - Debby & Dave Wedding
Ok..... 2 down, 1 to go to complete my 3 wedding marathon! Again, I'm on a crazy schedule, but wanted to post one quick shot from last nights wedding with Debby & Dave - recognize these doors?
I'm off to Saratoga to shoot with Cate & Zach today - check back later for more samples and complete blog entrees of all 3 weddings :)
Posted by
Matt Ramos
9:21 AM
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Friday, May 23, 2008
Quick Teaser - Joe & Monica Wedding
I'm on an extremely tight schedule this weekend as we are in the middle of a 3 in a row wedding marathon (which may just kill me :), but wanted to just post a quick photo from last night's wedding with Joe & Monica - There will be a full blog entry after the weekend from all weddings with appropriate links, etc to their events.
I'm off to do another one - will catch up with you soon!
Posted by
Matt Ramos
11:27 AM
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Tuesday, May 20, 2008
There's Light at the end of the Tunnel......
Tonight I was playing around with one of my favorite images from the Jen & Scott wedding..... this is the type of stuff that happens when I get bored sometimes (not that I have a lot of time for boredome these days) - I did this quickly so it's not perfect, but still love the surreal look of it anyway... I may go back and make it perfect next time I can't sleep! Whatdya think?
Posted by
Matt Ramos
11:19 PM
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Monday, May 19, 2008
Congratulations, Jennifer & Scott! (2 of 2)
Wow - what a weekend...... Two days of rainy, yet back to back amazing weddings! After a fun and late night with Kevin & Sarah, we somehow drug ourselves out of bed to do it all over again with Scott & Jennifer. Considering the weather we were up against this weekend, I'd say we pretty much got away with murder (on both days) as far as what were were able to capture around the wet weather.
Today's wedding was held at the beautiful, Glen Sanders Mansion (one of our favorite stomping grounds), where we also had the opportunity to work with the amazing Al Woodard, and the NY Players - an all around incredible wedding (again). I constantly talk to my close friends about the kind of pressure I put on myself at each wedding to do my best to make it better than the wedding before (obviously, this is not always possible), but I sure put the weight of the world on my shoulders trying each and every wedding..... I'm very pleased at some of the shots we were able to capture today (and yesterday!), and am excited to share them with all. For those that attending this wedding, you may pre-register your email to receive automatic notificaiton when images go live by simply clicking the link below.
I'm officially "spent" and looking forward to a day off tomorrow.... I'll be surprised if I even break out of my pajamas to tell you the truth! On a serious note, we'd like to thank Jennifer & Scott for allowing us to spend such a special day with them, and look forward to building you a beautufil wedding album! Here are a few quick sneak-peek shots to show you what their day looked like!
P.S. Our new photographer (Jessica) had her very first wedding tonight and did an amazing job..... with a little training, she may just end up being a better photographer than me - who knows!
P.S.S. I'll be shooting 3 in a row (thurs/fri/sat), so be sure to stick around for lots of updates and photos as we go!!
Posted by
Matt Ramos
12:14 AM
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