Kristin & Stephen make a great couple, and were both extremely easy to work with.... Stephen hammered me with questions, and by the time we were done shooting, I could barely remember my own name... (I'm kidding - actually it was great to see a future groom taking so much interest in what we do... not something we get a ton of as I'm sure you can imagine). On a serious note, I can tell this is going to be a fun wedding and certainly look forward to counting down the days with them.
Thanks to Stephen & Kristin for inviting us down to their hometown, and really enjoyed working with you.... We'll be going through all the photos this week and will hope to have things ready for viewing within a week or so!
Tomorrow's another full line up of shoots and meetings, so I'm officially off to bed!
P.S. While shooting, we could see heavy smoke over the Ground Zero area and where the towers once stood..... it was sad to come home and find out on CNN that what we were looking at was a fire that killed two firemen.
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