Thursday, January 24, 2008

Need Help Finding the Right Candidate?

I've never been much into politics, however as I continue to get older (and the world continues to get worse in some areas), I have started to take more of a notice with things such as the upcoming election. For those of you that are as torn as I am about who may or may not be the right candidtate to choose, there is a cool website link that someone sent me that will help you to determine the best decision based on your personal thoughts and beliefs. I won't share who the candidate is that was selected for me, but I'm sure some of you will enjoy checking this out and it may help you to make the best decision for yourself.

Click the photo below and answer the few simple questions, and see who your top 3 picks would be based on your answers!

Matt Ramos Photography


Anonymous said...

Here's another quiz to help you choose. I found this one ended up with the candidate that I was already leaning towards. With USA Today's quiz, I wouldn't have voted for any of "my top 3." I guess it depends on the questions.

Matt Ramos said...

Awesome, thanks for the link!

P.S. Don't be shy - anonymous' never get the credit they deserve! :)

Unknown said...

It was me, but this morning I couldn't remember my password... and by "this morning" I guess I mean yesterday morning at this point.

Matt Ramos said...

I would have never guessed it was you in a million years! :)