Saturday, September 23, 2006

Congratulations Brian & Jennifer!

Another amazing wedding today as we celebrated the new marriage of Brian & Jennifer! I've come to realize that no matter how many weddings you shoot, the stress simply never goes away when there is so much lying on what images you can produce with 200 people staring at everything you do. Despite the stress of these magical events, I love the thrill of each one, and being able to sit back at the end of the night and check out what will one day be a memory or worn out image passed down to generation after generation...... it's truly amazing to be a part of it all.

On a serious note, I would like to sincerely thank Jennifer & Brian for allowing us to spend the day with them and be a part of their special day. We have over 1200 amazing images, that I look forward to sharing with everyone ~ we should have everything uploaded for viewing/ordering within a couple weeks. Please feel free to pre-register your email below to receive a message when images go live.... (click link below)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Matt