Most know Megan Baker as the weekday evening news anchor from Channel News 9 or from her previous job with WXXA Fox 23. Megan has had great success thus far and recently made an exciting move to open her very own PR firm (Baker Public Relations), located downtown Albany. Megan and her staff are working on the launch of their new website (
http://www.bakerpublicrelations.com/), and we've been excited to work with her on this project for the last couple of days with some new photos for the website, etc. (by the way, these are just a few samples from today... not sure if these will be used or some of the others).... also, the site won't be up unitl November 1st, so be sure to check back then if interested.
Leaving a full-time job or position to run your own business is probably one of the scariest, yet most exciting decisions a person can make... I'll never forget that feeling of waking up the day after I left my job after 8 years at the same corporation the next day, and wondering both, "what the hell did I just do," and more importantly..... "what should I have for breakfast now that I don't have a job?" In all seriousness, it's an amazing feeling and I'm sure Megan's new firm is going to sky-rocket in the very near future. It was awesome to work with you Megan, and best of luck in your new business venture!

On a completely side note that has nothing to do with anything.... we were driving down Central Ave today and saw something I can't say I've ever seen before..... somoene driving a semi truck with a "student driver" sign. I have seen the high school kids with the student driver thing going before, but who student drives a semi??? Maybe it's my twisted humor, but thought it was pretty funny.... it's like seeing an airline pilot with a "pilot in training" shirt on or something. I know everyone has to start somewhere, but it's one of those things you just don't expect or hope to see - lol.
Tomorrow, we are off to West Orange, NJ to shoot a corporate event, followed by an overnight trip to Binghamton for a wedding.... lots of stuff coming up, so be sure to check back for the latest (does anyone really read this stuff anyway? :)
is that like having a t-shirt that says "trust me I'm a doctor?"
Surgeon in training?
I'm reading Matt! Please keep on going with the entries. I love them :)
Well, I guess there are at least a couple people reading them.
Nice..... I'll keep the corny jokes and stuff coming then! :)
You know I read them!
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