Saturday, October 28, 2006

The New 2007 Card Design!

One thing about moving, is you have to change all of your billing information around, which can be a pain when you think of all you have to change. Unfortunately, one of those important things you have to consider is new business cards if you are in business.

I decided to revamp the new 07 cards this year with some of our latest work. Congrats to those that made this year's cards.... you wouldn't be on it if you weren't so darn photogenic! I'm thinking about doing an anual business card every year (even if I don't move) to keep up to date with the latest events from the past year. (Sorta like the White House ornament..... ok, nothing like the White House ornament, but ya know what I mean). Anyway, headed out for some coffee - stay tuned for the upcoming wedding this week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY! How exciting that Steve and I made it on your new business cards. I'm all aglow. :)