Sunday, August 06, 2006

Today was extremely busy for us as we are on a mission to get our house ready for it's first showing this weekend. The day was filled with lawnwork, cleaning out the garage, peeling down wallpaper, painting, etc (all the fun stuff you do when you go to sell your home I guess). The house shows in online listings tomorrow, so it's been a stressful weekend making sure things are perfect.

Anway, took a break today to do some shooting with Marcus for his senior portraits. Marcus is a super nice guy, and doesn't seem to be the type that will terrorize the kids at school this year... although, he's a wrestler, so not sure I would mess with him! We enjoyed hanging out with him for a bit, and look forward to finishing up the rest of the images for him.

Good luck this year, Marcus, and enjoy it while it lasts.... you only get one senior year of high school my friend!

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