Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy 4th of July!

Hope everyone enjoyed their 4th of July and day off! It was great to have an extra day off during the week to get stuff done today, that's for sure! I don't have much to report on unfortunately, but here's a quick shot of the fireworks in Albany from last year. The wife and I spend most of the day running around doing errands, so we decided to skip the fireworks this year....... I'm sort of regretting it as I'd love to get some updated fireworks photos. Anyway, stay tuned for some upcoming weddings & shoots this month - there's definitely a lot going on. See ya soon!

1 comment:

Jacque said...

Your photography is lovely! I have a contest going on, if your interested, it could benefit you, leave me a comment back with your email and I'll give you more info