Saturday, June 24, 2006

Yikes - Look Out!

No work today - just a relaxing day sleeping in, cooking out, and basically doing nothing! Here's a shot of our insane Boston Terrier (Dexter) playing ball in the yard.... his world clearly revolves around playing ball - must be nice!

On a side note, I'm pretty excited as I received a letter that one of my favorite images has been selected to be published in an upcoming photography book, and is now a finalist for a $10,000 prize for a national contest. I'll keep you posted when the book comes out and is available in stores. For now.... keep those fingers crossed - I could use an extra $10K! Below is the photo, titled, "Vermont Life." Sorry for the boring post - we've got a few shoots scheduled for tomorrow, so will check back tomorrow maybe!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Matt!

You guys deserve it!! :)