Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Another Round of Fun Family Photos!

Working with families (and kids) is always a little unpredictable, yet always fun at the same time. I enjoy watching and photographing all the fun and cute little mannerisms and expressions a child can make - despite the cliche.... it's priceless stuff in my opinion.

I had the opportunity to work with the Raymond family a few years ago, so it was a pleasure to be able to work with them again, and meet the new edition to their family, Emma (she's adorable as you can see)! Here are a few quick samples from our session today that I liked and thought I would share. Thanks for coming guys, and for a fun shoot!

P.S. We are off to Arizona tomorrow for an exciting strobist (photography) seminar in Phoenix that I'm dying to go to, and then a little R&R in Sedona and the Grand Canyon, etc. which I never never seen. I'm not sure if I'll post while I'm away or not, but I can assure you, I will have some amazing photos (hopefully) to share with everyone when we get back - check back for details!! :)

Matt Ramos Photography

Matt Ramos Photography

Matt Ramos Photography

Matt Ramos Photography

Matt Ramos Photography


Unknown said...


Wow... weird timing, but my family and I are off to AZ (in-laws live in the Phoenix area) the day after tomorrow. If you want any suggestions on what to see/do, send me an email. I used to live out in Flagstaff briefly and worked for the Grand Canyon Railway. Anyway, enjoy your time out there. I'm kind of excited to see what you can do since my "photography" didn't do justice to what I actually saw the first couple times I was at the Grand Canyon.

Matt Ramos said...


We'll be in Phoenix for a day or so and then Sedona most of the time I think? Call me cell when you get there if you still have it?

Brent Raymond said...

Thanks Matt. They look great. Can't wait to see the rest of them. Enjoy your trip. Nice seeing you again.

Brent, Carey, Grant & Ella Raymond