We're still enjoying our time in Arizona (although it just went from 75 degrees to snowing, which is a bit strange?), and thought I would check in since the weather isn't working in our favor at the moment. We spent a full day at the Grand Canyon, which is without a doubt, one of the most amazing things I have ever seen in my entire life (and I've seen a lot!) I can't even describe to you what it feels like to stand near the edge of a cliff that drops anywhere from 500 to over 1000 feet straight down.... it's seriously so insane and scares the hell out of you when you image the imaginable for even a split second. We found this book in a gift shop that talks about all the encounters/deaths of people falling at the Grand Canyon over the years, and if I knew the other day, what I know now from that book, I probably would have stayed much farther away from the edge!
While standing atop a 500ft cliff, I ended up talking to another gentleman with a camera, and when asked where he was from, he said "from a small town in Upstate, NY." We both almost fell off the cliff when we learned he's from about 15 minutes from me back home (bad joke, but you can imagine the coincidence of all places).
Yesterday, we spent the day down in Phoenix, which is about a 2 hour drive south to attend a Strobist lighting seminar, which was very exciting. It was awesome to meet so many other photographers from this side of the country as well as some cool new lighting techniques that I look forward to implementing in some of our shoots and weddings this year. This seminar was the entire reason for making the trip at all, and a good excuse to take a little vacation for Tonya and I.
So...... we are back up in Sedona at the moment, and then head back down to Phoenix tomorrow, to spend our last night before heading back to NY. The weather went from beautiful sunshine to hailing this very strange, confetti-ish white stuff, that I guess is supposed to be snow? (it's much different than anything I've seen before - it smells like fresh rain, and seriously almost doesn't even qualify to be snow). Anyway.... just checking in - I don't have my normal programs and stuff at my fingertips since I'm on a laptop, but here's a few shots I thought I would share of our trip thus far...... you may want to wear your sunglasses for this one, sorry! More later - I hope all is well, and look forward to getting back to NY in a few days.
See ya soon! (hopefully)