Monday, September 04, 2006

Happy Labor Day!

I'm pretty big on holidays, so I decided to really celebrate Labor Day hard by doing absolutely nothing! By the way, for those looking for a quick history lesson, the first Labor Day occured in 1882.... I figured you'd all want to know. I wish we could have 4 day work-weeks every week.... then again, who doesn't!? I haven't much to report on this weekend unfortunately, other than we sold our house, and are drawing up plans for a nice new studio for our new home - I can't wait!

I hate making boring posts, but I'm sure there's at least 1 person out there that has nothing better to do than read my blog entries (or maybe not), so I owe it to my fans to keep things fresh and up to date. We have quite a week coming up, so I hope you'll visit back soon for some cool shoot updates, etc (we also have two more exciting weddings scheduled for the weekend) - stay tuned!

Hope everyone enjoyed their holiday - I leave you with one of my all-time favorites of Niagara Falls I took last year while on a visit to Buffalo - what an amazing place!

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