Thursday, August 03, 2006

Officially For Sale!

So, after two years of living in our first home, Tonya and I have officially placed a bid on a new house today, and are putting our current home on the market. This has come as sort of an impulse move for us as we didn't plan on moving so quickly, however we found an awesome house with even more space and a better location for our business to continue to grow, which I suppose is a good move. It's a little scary making such a big decision so quickly, but I guess sometimes a good calculated risk is good for ya.

Above are some of the photos I took tonight that will be used in the official listing to help sell our current house. As you can see it's a beautiful place to live and hope to see a good couple take over for us. I'm officially using my blog to help me sell a house now (who woulda thought) Let me know if there are any takers! :)

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