Last week, I had a slight scare when my pride and joy camera decided to need a trip to Canon service for a new shutter. I decided to use the opportunity to buy a new camera that I will use as a second body, and replacement until I get my baby back next week (more like another 1st body actually since I only buy top of the line equipment). Anyway, I've been anxious to try out my new toy, and tonight was the perfect opportunity with Lance, Vicki, and their children! It's never easy with kids, but we managed to get a few "winners" like the sample above here. It's helps when you have well behaved kids, that's for sure! :)
Thanks for a fun shoot guys - we'll be sure to get your photos up and online as soon as possible!
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
More Family Portraits!
Posted by
Matt Ramos
9:02 PM
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Sunday, August 27, 2006
2nd Wedding Gallery Added to Website!
One of the most challenging things about managing our website is trying to determin which photos to post of all the ones we take. I like keeping things fresh, yet don't want to delete many of our favorite "older" wedding images. To give the best of both worlds (and keep me happy), we've added a 2nd wedding gallery, "Weddings 2" to the site with more samples from some of this year's recent weddings!
I'm extremely picky when it comes to my work, so am sure I'll swap a few more photos out here and there, but the gallery is up and running for those that want to check it out! If interested, you can check out the new gallery by visiting the site and clicking the apppriate link:
Posted by
Matt Ramos
4:52 PM
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Saturday, August 26, 2006
Back From Buffalo!
After a long couple of days of driving, we ventered out to Buffalo and back for a 2 day retreat. It was nice to get away for a couple days, but as always, it's nice to be home again!
No work this weekend, just doing a little relaxing and getting caught up on some of the recent weddings. Unfortunately, not a lot to report on but thought I'd take the time to drop a quick line - hope everyone is enjoying the weekend. Here's a couple shots from the place we stayed in Buffalo, known as "The Beaver Hollow."
Posted by
Matt Ramos
9:10 PM
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Sunday, August 20, 2006
A Great Day For Family Portraits!
Today was a fun day here in New York, not to mention the weather was great. I spent most of the day relaxing from the past two weddings from the weekend, and kicking my feet up (Hey, I earned it!) Anyway, this afternoon we had the opportunity to do a family shoot at a great resort at the foot of the Catskills. Thanks to all the families for allowing us to hang out with you a bit this afternoon, and hope you will enjoy your photos. By the way, the bottom photo is a photo taken of the same place of today's shoot from 1923.... amazing to see the comparison.
We should have everything online for viewing and ordering shortly, and you will receive and email when images go live. Thanks again, and hope you all have/had a safe trip back home!
Posted by
Matt Ramos
7:32 PM
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Saturday, August 19, 2006
Congratulations Suzie & Shawn!
Two solid back to back weddings, and I think it's safe to say, I am beyond exhaustion - I am absolutely looking foward to sleeping in tomorrow! Today's wedding was a celebration of Suzie & Shawn, who decided to have a wedding for their family since moving back to NY (already were married in Vegas!)
Much like many of our other clients, we really enjoyed working with Suzie and Shawn, as they are such great people. This wedding was also extra special since Shawn has now been to IRAQ twice as a Marine to defend our country, and is back home safe in the U.S. When you've been in the wedding industry for awhile, you tend to notice something different about some couples than others, and just know that they will last forever... Suzie & Shawn are without a doubt one of those very couples. Thank you so much for allowing us to be a part of your special day, and best wishes to you both!
We have tons of photos from the day, and will have all images available shortly (1-2 weeks) for viewing/ordering. If you are interested in pre-registering your name to receive an email when images are live, please click the link below:
See ya soon!
Posted by
Matt Ramos
10:09 PM
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Congratulations Melinda & Ben!
It's 12:39 am, and I am officially exhausted after a crazy and certainly memorable day! Today we had the opportunity to shoot the beautiful wedding of Ben and Melinda - two amazing people that will certainly last a lifetime together! On the way to the reception, we got a call from our realtor that we had also sold our home today (was on the market if you scroll down a bit :) so overall, it's been an exciting day!
We really enjoyed hanging out with Melinda & Ben, and would like to thank them as well as their family and friends for allowing us to be a part of their special day. We have tons and tons of AWESOME photos from the day (including the samples above), and will make them available online for viewing/ordering as soon as possible. If you are interested in pre-registering your name to receive an email when photos are live, you can do so at the link below.
Thanks again guys, and congratulations!!!
Looks like I'll be up in a few hours to start all over again by shooting another wedding - stay tuned for more photos and updates!!!
Posted by
Matt Ramos
12:33 AM
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Saturday, August 12, 2006
Family Reunion/Birthday Celebration!
This week has been a whirlwind of a week for us, as we've had our house on the market, and are in the midst of buying our new home. This is our first time selling a home believe it or not, and it takes some getting used to when having multiple people/families walk through your house each day! We've been working really hard to make sure things are in perfect condition for whoever takes over, and needless to say, I'm a bit backed up on my photography work this week.
Today, we had several showings of our home, so had to take our dogs to the shoot with us.... it probably wasn't the most professional thing in the world, but we had to get them out of the house for a few hours. Anyway, we were happy to have joined the Poll family who is celebrating with a birthday for George (Happy Birthday, George!), and overall family reunion. It was nice to hang out with them for a bit, and enjoyed getting some fun family group shots, etc. Thanks for a great shoot today and allowing us to hang out with your family for a bit. We'll get the photos uploaded as soon as possible for viewing/ordering!
P.S. We have a two - wedding weekend coming up this week, so stay tuned for more updates throughout the week, etc!
Posted by
Matt Ramos
10:22 PM
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Sunday, August 06, 2006
Today was extremely busy for us as we are on a mission to get our house ready for it's first showing this weekend. The day was filled with lawnwork, cleaning out the garage, peeling down wallpaper, painting, etc (all the fun stuff you do when you go to sell your home I guess). The house shows in online listings tomorrow, so it's been a stressful weekend making sure things are perfect.
Anway, took a break today to do some shooting with Marcus for his senior portraits. Marcus is a super nice guy, and doesn't seem to be the type that will terrorize the kids at school this year... although, he's a wrestler, so not sure I would mess with him! We enjoyed hanging out with him for a bit, and look forward to finishing up the rest of the images for him.
Good luck this year, Marcus, and enjoy it while it lasts.... you only get one senior year of high school my friend!
Posted by
Matt Ramos
8:44 PM
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Saturday, August 05, 2006
Congratulations Amy & Jonathan!
A beautiful day here today, and we are happy to have spent it celebrating the new marriage of Amy & Jonathan. Both, Amy and Jay are such awesome people with great personalities... this is definitely one of those couples that will last a lifetime! The wedding was a lot of fun, and they surprised everyone by having some cool carnival stuff at their reception, including a rock climbing wall, etc. As always, we'd like to thank Amy and Jay for allowing us to be a part of their day with them. Here's a few quick shots from the day!
Posted by
Matt Ramos
10:34 PM
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Thursday, August 03, 2006
Officially For Sale!
So, after two years of living in our first home, Tonya and I have officially placed a bid on a new house today, and are putting our current home on the market. This has come as sort of an impulse move for us as we didn't plan on moving so quickly, however we found an awesome house with even more space and a better location for our business to continue to grow, which I suppose is a good move. It's a little scary making such a big decision so quickly, but I guess sometimes a good calculated risk is good for ya.
Above are some of the photos I took tonight that will be used in the official listing to help sell our current house. As you can see it's a beautiful place to live and hope to see a good couple take over for us. I'm officially using my blog to help me sell a house now (who woulda thought) Let me know if there are any takers! :)
Posted by
Matt Ramos
10:09 PM
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