No, I'm not talking about Obama's latest presidential speech...... I've been promising a new blog for the past couple of weeks, and the time has come! We've had thousands of visitors over the past couple of days, and am hoping you'll all safely find your way over to our new blog and community (lots of big improvements as you will soon see with lots more coming!)
Ok - Ready to come to the darkside? Click the link below and be sure to add it to your favorites as all future posts will be added here instead..... this blog is officially toast! See you there!
Monday, July 07, 2008
Time for a Change!
Posted by
Matt Ramos
11:40 PM
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Sunday, July 06, 2008
My Latest Wedding HDR.....
Between client meetings and trying to watch 7 hours of the most amazing Wimbeldon final I have ever seen, it's been a busy day (and supposed to be my day off!) - I've been dying to play around with this image in HDR style - here's the latest.... this is going to make an amazing front cover for the wedding album, I'm thinking!
Posted by
Matt Ramos
5:31 PM
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Congratulations, Jessica & Jason!
2 back to back amazing weddings this weekend...... we celebrated our second wedding with Jason & Jessica at a beautiful church in Saratoga Springs, followed by the reception at the Canfield Casino! I'm going to be up front that this blog entry is going to be a bit biased since Jason and I have known each other and been great friends (even roomates at one point), for over ten years - get ready for a lot of photos (hopefully, they will be worth the load time).
When I first moved to NY from England in 1997, Jason was one of the first people I befriended and we have had a long lasting friendship that I'm thankful to have..... I've seen Jason come a long way in life (as he has me I suppose), and I was truly honored to be asked to shoot his wedding for him last year..... I suppose it's second best since I wasn't able to make the cut to be a groomsman (only kidding). I'm happy to see Jay marry such an amazing woman.... probably the only girl that can keep the kid in line!
On a serious note, it was a blast to shoot this wedding, and I can't even begin to tell you how many amazing image we have from the day - for those that attended this wedding, you can pre-register your email below to receive notification of when images go live:
Of course, I leave you with a little more than a few samples from the day - I'm officially in need of a few days off and may go into hibernation after this weekend.....
Posted by
Matt Ramos
12:20 PM
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Congratulations, Kimberly & John!
Wow - what an incredible day the 4th of July was! Yes, I could have been barbequing like 99% of the rest, however still had a blast photographing the wedding of a truly great couple, John & Kimberly. Other than an amazing church in Troy, the event took place at the beautiful Glen Sanders Mansion, with entertainment by non other than Cap Capello, who always makes the party interesting to say the least.
Kim & John have been so great to work with, and we definitely hit it off since day one - not many realize just how stressful it can be to shoot a wedding, and having a couple that is so easy going and carefree was definitely a treat - we got some great images from the day, and look forward to sharing them with all in a few weeks. For those that attending this wedding, you can click the link below to pre-register your email and receive notification of when images go live:
A huge congrats and thanks to Kimberly & John as well as their families for allowing us to be a part of such a special day.... as strange as I originally thought having a wedding on the 4th of July might be, I now realize how smart they were..... who could resist having fireworks year after year on their anniversary day to celebrate with!? I leave you with a few samples from our day together below!
P.S. Stay tuned for samples of the Jason & Jessica wedding in just a bit!
Posted by
Matt Ramos
8:47 AM
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Jessica & Jason Wedding - Another Quick Teaser....
Sorry to sound like a broken record..... another exhausting, yet fun day in the field shooting the wedding of good friends, Jason & Jessica! It's now after 1am and after two long back to back weddings this 4th of July weekend, I'm absolutely spent. I am going to do my very best to get full blog entries up from both weddings this weekend by tomorrow or Monday at the very latest, so be sure to check back for lots of cool wedding samples! I leave you with a quick teaser image from today's wedding while the rest are loading.......
Posted by
Matt Ramos
1:05 AM
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Saturday, July 05, 2008
Kimberly & John Wedding - Quick Teaser....
First and foremost... Happy 4th of July! After 10 hours of shooting today, I'm spent so will keep this short (plus we are shooting another big one tomorrow with Jason & Jessica so need to get to bed). Anyway, we had an awesome wedding today with Kimberly & John, and wanted to post a quick teaser before I hit the sack..... check back Sunday for a full blog entry with lots of samples from this wedding and a link to the online gallery!
P.S. We'll also have samples from the Jessica & Jason wedding we are shooting tomorrow, so be sure to check back for that as well - lot of good stuff coming your way, and a brand new blog we'll be unvailing this week (hopefully) to top things off - whoo hooo! G'night!
Posted by
Matt Ramos
12:17 AM
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Monday, June 30, 2008
Another of Janelle & Kevin
As I was going back through some images today, I found this one and for some reason didn't include it in my earlier post - definitely one of my fav's so though I would throw it up!
Posted by
Matt Ramos
11:18 PM
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Sunday, June 29, 2008
Engagements w/ Kevin & Janelle.......
I'm going to have to start holding photos for ransom in exchange for blog comments a little more often I think - who knew that would work!
After all my whining about the heat and rain the day before, I decided to go back out in it today..... but for a good cause! We'll be shooting the wedding of Janelle & Kevin this August, and today was a great opportunity for us to get a little practice by shooting some engagement photos. It seems like everything I've done lately has been at the same park in Schenectady (not that it's not a nice place to shoot), but we decided to try a brand new place to shoot today (which I was a bit nervous about since I didn't have my normal "no-brainer" shots lined up), but am so glad we did..... I now have a new sweet spot and Kevin & Janelle got to be the pioneers of the new location :)
As photogenic as this couple is, it's pretty difficult to take a bad photo of them..... if they look this good in the park, I can only imagine how nice they'll clean up on their wedding day! Here are a few samples from our session together..... careful, one or two of them might be rated R.
P.S. Stay tuned for the all-new blog which I'm pretty excited to release hopefully this week!
Posted by
Matt Ramos
10:39 PM
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Kevin & Janelle E-Session Teaser - Wow!
A quick teaser from our session with Janelle & Kevin today at our new top secret shooting location! Maybe if someone leaves a comment below, I'll post some more samples? :)
P.S. Is this shot ridiculous or what - wow!
Posted by
Matt Ramos
6:35 PM
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Congratulations, Nicole & Damian!!
Whether it was a limo showing up an hour late, dirt on the dress, a delayed ceremony, pouring rain, blistering heat, or whatever else could possibly been thrown their way..... nothing could stop Nicole & Damian from an amazing wedding that they've waited so long to have! I often find it intersting how different people handle different situations, challenges and stress if different ways..... I was absolutely amazed at how calm and collective Nicole & Damian were able to remain on a day that definitely brought some challenges our way - a true testament to what great and special kind of people they are.
It was an honor for Jamaica and I to photograph this wedding, and despite a bit of a crazy day, had an absolute blast. When we left the church, it was raining out, but we decided to go for it, by going to our outdoor shooting location anyway. As we got there, the rain stopped (only for 20 minutes, which is probably the fastest I have ever shot with an entire bridal party and the bride and groom themselves). As we finished and got back into the car to head to the reception, it downpoured as if we were in a hurricane...... talk about amazing luck and timing!
A huge thanks to Nicole, Damian, and their family and friends for allowing us to hang out and document their special day. We have hundreds of amazing photos that I can't wait to share. For those interested, you may pre-register your email at the link below to receive automatic notification of when images go live (usually 3-4 weeks). I leave you with a few samples from the day below:
Posted by
Matt Ramos
10:07 AM
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