One thing about moving, is you have to change all of your billing information around, which can be a pain when you think of all you have to change. Unfortunately, one of those important things you have to consider is new business cards if you are in business.
I decided to revamp the new 07 cards this year with some of our latest work. Congrats to those that made this year's cards.... you wouldn't be on it if you weren't so darn photogenic! I'm thinking about doing an anual business card every year (even if I don't move) to keep up to date with the latest events from the past year. (Sorta like the White House ornament..... ok, nothing like the White House ornament, but ya know what I mean). Anyway, headed out for some coffee - stay tuned for the upcoming wedding this week!
Saturday, October 28, 2006
The New 2007 Card Design!
Posted by
Matt Ramos
8:41 PM
1 post comments
Thursday, October 26, 2006
The New Pad.....
Those that follow the blog (there must be at least one of you!), know that we were in the process of moving to our new home/studio since my last house update a few entries back. After weeks and weeks of frustration and pushed back closing dates, we are happy to finally be settled into our new place. Much of the house is still in boxes, but we are slowly but surely making progress each day!
As far as the studio, things have been frustrating for us during the transition period while our new studio is being set up. We are having daily visits from different contractors to give us some building options, so our ability to do studio sessions has been slowed down for now. I look forward to showing off thew new studio once it us up and running!
Posted by
Matt Ramos
7:28 PM
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Saturday, October 21, 2006
Congratulations Kristin & Tim!
Had a blast today with Kristin & Tim as they celebrated their new marriage with a beautiful ceremony and reception! Despite the cold air, we had the opportunity to shoot in an amazing setting along the beautiful Hudson River, which made for some awesome photos.
As always, we'd like to thank the bride and groom as well as all their friends and family for allowing us to capture their special day with them. We have hundreds and hundreds of amazing images from the day that we can't wait to share with everyone.
We will hope to have all the images from today's event online for viewing/ordering within 2-3 weeks, and invite folks to pre-register their email address to receive notification once images are live. Please click the link below to register!
P.S. .... can you tell I'm digging the sunset/sunburst shots lately?
Posted by
Matt Ramos
11:29 PM
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Saturday, October 14, 2006
Congratulations April & Joe!
Had a blast tonight with April & Joe, who had an amazing wedding! The bride and groom were both a lot of fun to work with, and they officially have the best slam the cake in the face session I have ever seen! (check out the photo above) We are slightly backed up on our weddings due to our move this week, but will hope to have all the images from tonight's wedding online for viewing/ordering within 2-3 weeks.
Thanks to April and Joe for allowing us to spend the afternoon/evening with them and capure their special day! Feel free to click the link below to pre-register your email to recieve an email when images go live:
Posted by
Matt Ramos
9:05 PM
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Monday, October 09, 2006
Congratulations Nicole & Ernie!
2 more back to back amazing weddings to sum up the weekend and take full advantage of the beautiful weather! Tonight's wedding was with Ernie & Nicole, who had a beautiful wedding and reception held at one of the nicest reception halls I have ever been in. This was a more lively bunch than some of the other weddings we shoot, so we had a great time capturing the day and watching people have a blast. Make sure you check out the shot of the guys.... I'm pretty sure I would have gotten kicked in the face had I stood any closer!
As always, we'd like to thank both Nicole & Ernie for allowing us to capture their special day, as well as all the friends and family. We'll hope to have all the images online for viewing/ordering within 2-3 weeks. Guests can pre-register their email by clicking the link below to receive an email notification when images go live!
Posted by
Matt Ramos
6:18 AM
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Saturday, October 07, 2006
Congratulations Stephen & Tina!
Without a doubt, this has probably been one of the most stressful weeks of our lives. Those of you that keep up to date with the blog know that we are in the middle of a huge move, and were supposed to be in our new house by now. We had movers come to our house the other day and take everything away, only to find out as they were driving away that our closing is being pushed back for the 4th time! It's been a very challenging week for us without our belongings or clothes, and not to mention having to sleep on the floor with a few left over blankets that were not packed away on the moving truck. This entire process of buying a new house has been a nightmare I cannot even begin to describe.
When you're down and depressed with what life sometimes throws at you, it certainly cheered me up today to not only get outside and shoot a wedding, but a beautiful wedding with friends, Stephen & Tina! You really could not have asked for a more perfect day for a wedding, and being on the Hudson with beautiful sunshine helped to make for an amazing event. I'm reminded every weekend just how much I enjoy being a part of the wedding industry as I enjoy so much being a part of history in the making with such wonderful people.
As always, I'd like to thank Stephen & Tina as well as their family for allowing us to be a part of their big day, and we hope to have photos up and running within a couple weeks for viewing/ordering. Those interested can pre-register there name by simply clicking the link below. An email will be sent out to everyone registered once images are live. Click below to register!
Posted by
Matt Ramos
10:20 PM
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Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Movin' Out!

Please note, clients can still contact us via email, which I will get on my cell phone, and return a message or call as soon as possible. In the midst of all that is going on, we also have two more weddings booked for the weekend, so make sure you check back for some updates soon!
See ya at the new place.....
Posted by
Matt Ramos
9:47 PM
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